Gail Burkett, PhD
Gail Burkett guides initiation journeys for women and girls through all their life stages, teaching about these developmental changes through ceremony and ritual. At the heart of this work, one’s own personal story grows through time with the Moon and the Sun providing the framework to continually evolve.
In 2020 Gail has introduced her newest book, a new genre, climate change fiction, Answering Earth’s Call.
Found everywhere, Earth leaves signs to follow. This is a parable, a mentor’s story about four teen girls completing a 6-month science project helped by their community elders. It begins with one woman longing for a community. From a dream, from a knowing, what you focus on expands, this is how longing grows into something. Generation Z or Gen Z, will be the game changers. Educating girls has never been more important. New knowledge weaves with old knowledge, like a dance of days. From non-fiction back to fiction, a book of stories about Solutions to global warming seems to fall from a tree. Seeds begin to quicken. This may be how to mend broken hearts.
As an Elder initiated by her peers, Gail knew that with guidance, greater depths of the Soul could be reached. Watching the culture, seeing that Rites of Passage for youth were being birthed all over the world, Gail wrote Soul Stories: Nine Passages of Initiation for all women from 30 to 100. This guidebook answers the need for women to be initiated, to feel initiation in their bones, before passing it along to their families.

Janis Monaco Clark
In Tales of a Blacktop Gypsy, Planets & Passages, Janis Monaco Clark weaves the stories of her life, invoking her ancestors and family in a sacred way, naming them and inviting their memories to play in her words. Tales of a Blacktop Gypsy is a woman’s pursuit of adventure and spiritual understanding. Finding her Stardust, she embarks on a quixotic quest, searching for the purpose of her life, tilting at windmills along the way.
Janis is a writer and editor who passionately strives to help others bring their work into the glorious glow of publication. Janis has helped many first-time authors achieve this goal by recognizing and encouraging their powerful potential. Janis believes in the maxim, “Everybody is talented, original and has something important to say.”
Read her blog, Gypsy in the City.

Jackie Henrion
When Jackie Henrion settled in Hope, Idaho, she had no idea that a stained-glass odalisque of a woman in that extreme rural setting along Lake Pend Oreille would come to mean more to her than her metropolitan life experiences in NYC and Seattle. For the next 15 years, the mysterious woman became the focus of her research and creativity, inspiring her to explore local history, create a radio show for KRFY in 2014 called Songs-Voices-Poems, and earn an MFA in creative writing from Naropa’s Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics.
Her debut work, Rerooted, is the first in a series which reflects an eclectic and diverse story of the woman who inspired the odalisque. These views are hard won after a 20 year career in male dominated businesses, another 20 year career as a songwriter, and studies in the contemplative fields of psychology, yoga and meditation. The resulting point of view embraces the paradoxical qualities of both feminism and mindfulness.
Learn more at www. JackieHenrion.com
“Sandpointed is a wise women’s collective weaving of place, presence, and possibility. At once a portrait of sassy poetics, a song of seasonal survivance, and a recipe for medicinal brew sure to tantalize any literary appetite. Written by a royal flush of witty and playful writers well versed in lettered seduction. A soul-nourishing read.”
-Katherine Greenland,
MA.Ed., Ph.D. Candidate
Buy the book or kindle on Amazon. SEE MORE

K.L. Huntley
Kathleen Huntley has pursued a never-ending quest to embrace education and global life, enriching her writing with sugar and spice. Her passion is to encourage others in their individual quests and lead them to an enriched understanding of life’s events, even the most negative experiences. She believes that people are only survivors when they can move beyond a situation and extend their hands to help another up.
Kathleen understands that the scars of childhood can be hidden and sometimes may fade, but they can never be ignored. After “time-crawling decades,” she wrote Sociopaths I’ve Known and Loved about three sisters who “got away” from a dim and demeaning environment to live “semi-normal lives,” despite the twisted outcomes that followed them.
In K.L. Huntley’s second book, the story of Charlie is told from the viewpoint of her eight foot tall guardian angel Zelda, and the wee voices of wisdom in her head, Ambrose and Winslow. It is at times funny, irreverent and at others a tear jerker.

Rita Louise Monaco
Petals from a Rose: A Family Epic, co-written and edited by Rita’s daughter Janis Monaco Clark, is the first book in Turtlemoon’s, Mother:Daughter Legacy Series. Petals from a Rose is an historical novel based on Rita Louise Monaco’s real-life ancestors, enduring stories of devotion and despair, survival and success against the vivid backdrop of prejudice and deception, love and kindness.
Petals from a Rose: A Family Epic, was published when Rita was 95 years old, “a dream come true,” she said. Two years later Rita passed away, enormously proud of her accomplishment.
Meet our Team
Laura brings skills of art director, bookmaker, graphic design and marketing from a 30 year career that spans from NYC to Sandpoint. Laura spent 20 years+ as the art director of Sandpoint Magazine (a twice a year publication) creating books and marketing material for Keokee Marketing in Sandpoint. She now resides in New Orleans. LauraWahlDesigner.com
Laura WahlJanis Clark has worked in print media as a writer, editor and writing coach since 1982. In 1986 she worked with Warner Books, Inc. as editor of Crystal Healing Secrets by Brett Bravo. In 1995-96 she co-created and edited The Flowerlover Magazine with visionary author and founder of The Light Institute of Galisteo, Chris Griscom. Janis joined Turtlemoon Publishing as editor in 2013; she wrote her memoir, Tales of a Blacktop Gypsy, Planets and Passages in 2018. She lives with her husband and Boxer dog Sonny Bone’O in Seattle, Wash.
Janis ClarkGail has produced several epic books on Women’s passages and related themes. With years of mentoring women young and younger through life, she stands as an elder to guide and advise. Winters will find her exploring the south west as far as Mexico with her husband and summers will find her on her property in Bonners Ferry, Idaho.
Gail Burkett