Gail Burkett guides initiation journeys for women and girls through all their life stages, teaching about these developmental changes through ceremony and ritual. At the heart of this work, one’s own personal story grows through time with the Moon and the Sun providing the framework to continually evolve.

Raven Says: Welcome Back
In the great long dance of life, Beauties grew close while shaping stories - Rooted Sisters watching our Moon & Sun. Focusing on Gaillardia this day: Native daughter, Blanket Flower Adapting, she’s been Native 10,000 or 20,000 turns. Feeling love of Sweetgrass,...
read moreRaven Follows the Moon
Moon Message from Virgo This next cycle began when the Sun moved into Virgo on August 22nd. Consider this a dreaming space, blink once, here comes the New Moon in Virgo to meet the Sun. Exact 4 degrees 4 minutes on August 27 @4:17am EDT, 1:17am PDT, 9:17am BST, 6:17pm...
read moreRaven’s Earth Day Proclamation
Raven Louder: Earth Day Everyday Proclamation We’ve this moment in time to intend a u-turn away from destruction Grieve business-as-usual and release all that put Earth in peril. Savor what we can invite along to a revolutionary place for sanity. Must-must recognize...
read moreRaven Says
Every Day is International Women's' Day & Earth Day Raven says: Do you see how earth-spirit lingers between these two calendar days? Here at Sweet Pea Landing, we call this Raven 'Buddy' which came from him, not me. In the past 2 years, Raven sought me out, sitting on...
read more2:1 Be. Do. Be.
Facts of Life Because our human nature seeks joy and awe with abandon Our future needs—cultural-generational—must give support to Gaia. Earth Mother creates our true Joy rising from a deep place All from her, a deeper pleasure blends with surprise for Awe. When...
read morePraying for Earth
In Our Search for Meaning For the whole of this century, we have known Before that even. Many knew Earth needed something from us, But she didn’t get it. Since 1886, 1950, 1970 we’ve known. This thing that Earth needs so desperately The main ingredient is love—focused...
read moreSpirit of Earth
Spirit Rock Stone Song Sh-h-h-listen. What do you do when you see Earth looking at you? Do you say hello, do you stop to listen to her message? If you gave her what you want most - focused attention, woo-woo would completely wash away. Turn to the sensation of hearts...
read moreBy Decree: A Celebration of Girls
October 11 2020 :: For the Girls 8 to 18 Nine years ago United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 66/170 - October 11 is the International Day of the Girl Child Girls’ have rights and unique challenges all around the world. Check-in: Women’s wisdom holds the...
read moreBeyond “About Me”
Imagine a Network of Mentors My greatest desire: To offer education to 200 Million girls who cannot afford to go to school for their health, for the distance, for the cost. True obstacles are personal, varied, and valid. But. The Earth can no longer afford to have her...
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