2:1 Be. Do. Be.

Facts of Life Because our human nature seeks joy and awe with abandon Our future needs—cultural-generational—must give support to Gaia. Earth Mother creates our true Joy rising from a deep place All from her, a deeper pleasure blends with surprise for Awe. When...

Praying for Earth

In Our Search for Meaning For the whole of this century, we have known Before that even. Many knew Earth needed something from us, But she didn’t get it. Since 1886, 1950, 1970 we’ve known. This thing that Earth needs so desperately The main ingredient is love—focused...

Spirit of Earth

Spirit Rock Stone Song Sh-h-h-listen. What do you do when you see Earth looking at you? Do you say hello, do you stop to listen to her message? If you gave her what you want most - focused attention, woo-woo would completely wash away. Turn to the sensation of hearts...